Saturday, December 20, 2008

On Friendship

Speaking makes following into folly. So to speak, my prince and my princess have fallen into folly (how lovely). But, so have I, before them. These statements have gotten incredibly boring – “allegra.”

So, “quindi and allora,” the jagged edge of falling must be swept with courage, character, and kindness: relationships take time, nurtured with memories – to lose a friendship is only a glance and a hardship; to make a friendship, takes a millenium.



Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On Faith

What is the Prefix if not the beginning of Innocence? The Bumfix is the Nonsense of the Occult. And, what is the Occult if not a bit of the Icconolost of it’s own Prefix?


P.S - I did coin the word, "Bumfix." - because if one doesn't move, one has ... as you know, and you are moved by will and faith, totally and faithfully - to move off of bumfix and into your own FIX - faith in your family, faith in your friends, and faith in oneself - are a gift.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Sentence Lecture on Ethics

1. “Ich bin nein ein bischen eine LOSER.”

2. “Money, status, and power do not matter; what matters: is how one treats one’s children.”

I delivered this lecture, two sentences, at Howard Law School, in September 2008 in pajamas with my driver outside. What matters is the deliverance of the most information.

Real power is power over oneself - not them - they don’t matter. Introspection is a must.

Your cousin (53rd at the least),


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Practice Yogic Martial Arts

Never practice yogic martial arts and fast for four weeks, simultaneously – one will challenge every prior misstep all at once.

I was riding high in October and shot down in November (Frank Sinatra – different months though). But, I made pivotal life decisions and got into the best mess that I’ve ever gotten into – the sensitive, wimp that cries still every time she watches a newscast.

Bruce Lee practiced isometrics with yogic breathing techniques, intuitively. And, Brandon Lee, his son, was killed – because once they get pissed off, they’ll kill the entire lineage. These orchestrations of accident were not coincidental.

The Chinese were very upset with Bruce Lee, who trained the Western World in martial arts. I’m upset that the Chinese don’t recognize that martial arts came from India.



P.S. – Yogic breathing technique is embedded in "Prince Bam Bam and the Tibetan Warrior.” See November 2008 posts.

Friday, December 5, 2008

On the Eternal Music

Simply, it begins with a resounding hum within electrical generators, then water, and then people.

Ears are very sensitive instruments. So, therefore, listen carefully: one can see the Music in five to six different streams flowing on a mental tabula rasa, knowing the song intuitively.

Listen to a drop of water falling into a small 1-inch circular puddle less than 1-millimeter deep; this is the music of humanity.

Back in Beta Blast Off Mode

“During the first 18 years of life, one should learn the rules of society. And, for the rest of life, one should ‘unlearn’ society’s rules.” – Chinese Proverb

Children are ensconced in alpha mode; they swiftly absorb information, learn quickly, and rapidly adapt but are not necessarily nimble or coordinated. Most adults are entrenched in beta mode, where thoughts move rather slowly, however, cohesively and, perhaps, methodically.

In alpha mode, time dilates – that is – 5 minutes is an eternity. On the other hand, in beta mode, adults experience time in “discrete chunks” so that months elapse quickly and, as one ages, years pass faster and faster as thoughts and responses become increasingly circular, habitual, and often sterile.

During the past two months (la vacanza or the vacation), I did not drive because everything – the road, the trees, other cars, drivers in cars, planes in the sky, building architecture, pedestrians, even squirrels – relentlessly absorbed my attention. At times, I could not write legibly or even type because a torrent of thoughts overpowered any sense of coordination.

I still haven’t figured out how to switch between alpha and beta mode at will. However, experiencing alpha mode in tandem with the breath of experience is like existing as a perceptive child without apprehension, tempered by a modicum of wisdom. Now, unfortunately and rather luckily, the ogre of responsibility beckons . . . .