Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Of the Highest Moral Code and Character I Will Act and Behave

Please don't tell anyone how immature and sensitive I am. You see, I am the most immature 44-year-old you will ever meet.

I only go to the top with anything because I'm not scared of anything. : )

I know that I am a workaholic but it's okay. I only do what I feel like doing. I choose where and when to go to work for any client.

Please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqoGc-4Uxbg&feature=related

You see: I have to work because that is in my nature, and I can't go against my nature.

My major character flaw is that I am impatient - because I want everything perfect - Now, Now, Now!

Everybody always says it's not what you know, it's who know. But, I beg to differ - it's what you know and whom you know and how one treats other people.

I don't care about the money. Money is so easy to make.

Who do you think takes care of the family? Well, I do. Every day, I clean the entire house and feng shui the refrigerator so that my mother will be able to find whatever she needs to eat for her health because she knows that I love her.

My mother wasted all her money so now I have to rebuild the family back.

You see: there are many mean people out there who just care about getting ahead by using others. But, I'm not like that because I fully believe that one should only be noble because all hard work is noble - whether one is washing toilets or running a company.

My word is my bond and everyone intuitively knows that - that's why I have to act like a bitch sometimes to protect them against themselves because they are weak and don't have the Courage, Character, and Consistency to have the foresight to understand their own weaknesses and desires that compel them to act nobly.

You see: I am highly spiritual and only with the highest moral standards and code will I behave under the circumstances of each situation. But, I already knew that you know this.

Your well-wisher and friend,


I Am the Moderator of This Blog

Dear folks,

If you want to post any comments - they will have to pass through me.

Thank you and with love and peace,


Under Tremendous Amounts of Pressure Right Now

I'm filing suit against the US Government to overturn Richardson vs. US (1974).

You see: the Supreme Court set up a two-part test that was designed to disenfranchise every American Citizen so that he or she could not receive an "accounting" from each agency as is our Constitutional Right.

I am building a legal team and all my friends, who are lawyers and business CEOs, are going to help.

I know how much the Federal Government spends and wastes because on my thumb drive there are $30B worth of proposals that I mostly wrote.

You see: I know how talented you are because you: "Think like Socrates, speak like Pericles, and write like Sophocles."

Of only the highest moral standards and ethics do I deal with people.

You see, I am more conservative than Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas.

Barack Obama will have to be stopped because Cloward and Pivens' strategy to implode the American economy will not work.

He's like a kept woman who has a credit card to Neiman Marcus. And, BTW, the pseudo Stimulus Package was a massive payoff to all his supporters. So, $787B goes out the window from the tax base of the Middle Class to pay Wall Street bankers, who have already destroyed the Middle Class with their greed.

It's so sad. Alas!

He's trying to implode the American economy. He has now spent more than $4T in less than four years.

I am trying to protect all of us. This is for all of our children so they won't inherit a political morass and horrendous debt.

Monday, June 18, 2012

On Life by Billy

I just wanted to tell you how great it is to be in touch with you again and hear your advice on life. I hope things are going as well as it seems in your life. Getting back in touch with Joann was such a good thing. It sounded from our last conversation that things were a little bit tough with your mom moving back in.

I just wanted you to know that I think about you and it reminds me of my situation when I moved back in with my mom after my dad passed away in 2001. Param I know sometimes things in life seem a little tough but these are the times that are preparing us for what is to come.

I've been on my own now since I was 20 years old and never truly look back. You are such a good soul and I'm very proud to call you my friend. That area of the country is so expensive to live in people spend most of their lives trying just to cover their basic needs which are usually about 4 to 5 times the cost in different parts the country such as Colorado.

This is one of the one of the many reasons why I decided to move out here for a better quality of life for less cost. This is just a reminder from one that was on the inside looking out at one point that it is more the cost of living that makes living in that area difficult than just life itself which can be a challenge as we all know.

I just wanted you to know that I enrolled in school and plan on finishing my four-year degree which I started over 15 years ago. I am very much looking forward to the new challenge and the results that will change my life once again.

I feel so lucky that I am able to afford the time and resources to accomplish such a daunting task for someone like myself for which school does not come so easily.

I know what it's like to have a mother in your life that is not very supportive. Unfortunately, we can't choose our family but we can choose who we spend our time with. That is another reason why I moved away.

Please don't let these influences poison the wonderful person that I know you are. Much love from your friend Billy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Declaration of Independence Revisited

Pum’s Re-write of the Declaration of Independence

I underscore here that this little, light-hearted piece reflects a deep respect for one of our greatest Presidents, Thomas Jefferson, who firmly believed that the free transfer of knowledge and real art is the greatest asset of a society.

By my blithe plagiarism, recount what a wonderful man helped build the theoretical foundation of our democracy. Incidentally, because everyone now holds the copyright to the Declaration of Independence, we have every, full right to mimic Jefferson’s words. We have always owned the privilege to preserve, protect, and parrot his ethos.

Declaration of Bounty


Why not use our God-given talents to produce bounty for innocent, deserving children? To fulfill a child’s dream and create lifelong reminiscences of “the innocent time,” glory can be our ultimate legitimacy. We hold these truths to be self-evident that our country’s innocence is the source of our souls and the triumph of our hearts.

A Declaration of Privileges

That to perfect these dreams, virtuous foundations created by honest and good people, are orchestrating generous acts for the joy of all hearts. That whenever any Form of scarcity becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to abolish this vacuum, institute a constructive body, laying its charity on such principles and molding its potential in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect every person’s (and child’s) safety and happiness.

Generosity, indeed, will dictate that organizations firmly established on these standards shall never be changed or corrupted by less than wholesome causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that children are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long, model train of shortage, pursuing a different Object verifies a reality that smashes dreams because of relative scarcity, it is our duty, to seal this abyss, and provide new Guards for our childrens’ present happiness and future security.

A Measure of Inadequacy

Such has been the patient suffering of many who are lacking; and such is now the necessity that persuades us to institute a policy of bounty. The history of our country contains the truth of unfulfilled needs and insecurity for many deserving youngsters. The proof is our collective experience that speaks to a potentially candid world.

A Statement of Responsibility

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil [or the un-fulfillment of a delightful vision] is that good men [and women] do nothing. – Edmond Burke

In every stage of our experience, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions have been unanswered by our own inability to take notice. Non-action should not continue to spank our dreams into bitter un-fulfillment and is an unfit course for good men and women.

We should not continue to be deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity . . . .

More to come.