Friday, December 31, 2010

We're All Going Solar - a Distillation of Global Warming

My friends,

As we move into the Age of Aqaurius (the age of GRAND Communication) and out of the Age of Pisces (the age of WARFARE), you must shoulder my burdens as you cement your own lives with integrity.

Thank you,


BTW - Mathew Vassar built me (how appropos that a mere brewer could build Bacchus - it's a wonder that I got out of the library or the laboratory).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Groundswell

There is a groundswell of something that is not right. I am, in general, worried for the future of my son and for the future of all young people.

Unfortunately, in my estimation, they will inherit a horrendous world (environmentally destroyed, spiritualy devoid, and financially degraded).

In the interim, my friend, we have a lot on our shoulders - to lessen their burden. As much that I can, I will move forward on that endeavor. In the very least, all I can do is provide for my son and build on his education.

- HippoParamus

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sandy Is Shady

"Hey, you wood chucks! Quit chucking my wood!" - Geico Commercial

Every thought does matter; every moment matters!

Money, power, and status? (Ah Bach, it's there for the taking - it's there, easily begotten).

Unless I respect someone, I don't give a damn (or, rather, a crap) what they think about me. In one way, this form of "being" makes me entirely free. In another way, that thought makes me a slave . . . to wholly finding the people that I respect.

I'm on an expedition!


Monday, December 6, 2010

For the Love of My Father

“LIFE is about LOVE” – Ashton Kutcher

There is no power if one doesn’t love. Nothing matters – it is about love for one’s children, one’s family , one’s fellows, one’s kids.

Das ist est (and life is the test), meine heute freunda (and my friends).
That’s it. It’s the point that one realizes that one’s life is about love . . . .

So, will you make your life?

With love,
