"The private sector runs the Federal Government." - M. Burris
But, now, at an exigent historical crossroads, our status as a Super Power is slowly ebbing away by ridiculous expenditures. (China will implode through environmental degradation and Russia will implode through corruption and the same).
Nonetheless, do you think that it is okay for an EPA executive to spend $80,000 on a 4’ by 6’ marble slab imported from Italy for an office nook? This is only one gross example. There are so many other instances of Government wastage on these and grander proportions.
Simply put, the private sector and political interests now run the Federal Government. There are so many expectant companies, groups, and people expecting pay days previously received – that the Federal Government will implode.
There is no Social Security Fund, so to speak, because all the monies arriving into the "fund" proceed somewhere through sinuous tunnels. If there was a fund, it would be extant into one, managed account. But, the truth of the matter is that social security taxes swim into the sea of Federal extravagances - not put into a fund but in a pool of regular expenditure (like a Ponzi Scheme).
So, ultimately, there will be a global vacuum. And, who will be there to take over? Russia or China or some other nucleur power?
I’m not a politician; I’m not an economist. But, I do know one thing – when there are multiple pressures on one system – that system will eventually implode. Because:
Nature abhors all monopolies – Leonardo de Vinci
But, on a larger level, the problem is endemic – a lack of ethics envelopes our culture – whether a mortgage officer encourages a client who can’t afford to purchase a home when the market is hot (when the officer knows that the client will go bankrupt within 2-12 months); whether Bernanke says that “the big banks are too big to fail” (hence the bailout at taxpayer expense); or whether a corporate schmuck trades integrity for personal ground by kissing ass instead of performing, etc.
By all means – KISS ASS AND LOSE ONESELF - lose generations for that matter.
Alternatively, do the right thing? Perhaps find oneself by a wisp or a tether of integrity.