Thursday, March 17, 2011

We Can't Wing It Anymore on Power Sources

My dear friends,

Grueling effort and no breaks.

Has not Japan's recent nuclear meltdown (with, now, four nuclear reactors) proven that we are all vulnerable (and don't think that this does not affect everyone on the planet - because the pollution into the oceans will penetrate every living thing through known ocean current patterns)?

Remember Chernoble and Three Mile Island?

Nuclear energy is a ready source for power. But, it's up to you. Whether we will, collectively, find a solar power solution (which is free and silicon is also plentiful for photovoltaic cells).

But, if we want to live in a decently, harmonized world; let's all go solar.

There are too many dangers in transporting nuclear waste to secure depositories, primarily, because, during transport itself, there are dangers of spillage and, then again, deposits are generally still radioactive for at least more than 217+ years: Pu-239 decays to U-235, which has a very long half life (roughly 109 years).



P.S.: 109 years means that nuclear waste is still radioactive even after that time has elapsed (109 + 54.5 + 27.25 + 13.625 + 6.8125 + 3.41 + 1.7 + .85 = 217.1475 years). But then, calculate in that India has at least 56 nuclear reactors (potential - Tsunamis abound?); America has at least 104 reactors; and the list goes on and on.

Do the math, dudes! Nuclear waste will never be un-radioactive for more than your grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-childrens' lives - and even beyond that. I just got tired of using the word, "grand," for each generation is only, on average, 25 years in length.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What a Loss for Humanity

Ladies, Tomboys, and Gentlemen:

I forwent on this one painting that my heart still pines for to this day. It was 3K back in 1993 (and, I was only making 24K/year at the American Institute of Physics on 1630 Connecticut Avenue in Washington, DC).

It was a 6' by 6' painting of an Old American Indian Man's Face with all his elegant, deep wrinkles and piercing azure blue eyes so wherever one went in the gallery, his eyes still gazed upon the onlooker.

Golly gee whiskers, I miss it! What a masterpiece! Truly!

Now, getting to serious matters and not worrying about the past: working today on the largest physical security contract in US (approximately 300 mil. to 400 mil.) to protect all the 12 Federal Circuit and District Courts in tandem with the judges.

I'm the luckiest dude on the whole face of the planet: best family, best friends, and best career!

Still want to overturn Richardson vs. US (1974), which basically disenfranchised every American Citizen of one's Constitutional Right to have an "accounting" of each Federal Government Agency.

I know how much money they (the Federal Government) spend and waste because I write those contracts and responses to RFPs. "A mil. here and a mil. there; a bill. here and a bill. there; a trill. here a trill. there." It's endless.

It's truly so sad. Alas!

But, it's up to each and everyone one of you whether to decide to fight for your Constitutional Rights or be vacated into a vacuum of waste and overexpenditures - because if the American economy fails than the world economy fails and everything will go into more disarray.

There are still approximately 10,000 Russian ICBMs trained on the US. And, BTW don't think that China doesn't have Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Be scared! Be very scared! I haven't mentioned regional conflicts now have I?

Again, if the American economy fails, then we will have World War III and nuclear destruction. And, again, if we don't do anything about it, we are surely collective dolts, indeed! But, I have faith, my friends!

I'm really just a puppy: "I love everyone!" Everyone is beautiful to me for they are each God's work of art. Please don't let "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" destroy our world community. I'm rooting for everybody!



BTW: I will argue the overturning of Richardson vs. US in front of the Supreme Court myself with the help of a legal team because our mutual goal should be preservation of our own Courage, Character, and Consistency; our collective integrity and spirit.

Why do you think I write my blog?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Taxes Revisited

And, they always want to grab what's not theirs. Colonel House (advisor to Pres. Wilson) convinced the President and the American citizens in 1913 to institute the first Federal Tax at 1%. Colonel House promised that Federal Taxes would never exceed 1%. Well, we know that was a vacuous promise.

But, he couldn't forsee FDR's four terms in office and what would follow thereafter.

Twenty-five years ago, one out of every five dollars that anyone earned went to the Federal Government; now it is more like one out of three dollars earned so that's roughly 33% plus add in 8.5% for Social Security (if you're self-employed, it's 15%); so, thus and therefore, we're now up to between 40-48+% of annual income. Now, add in state and local taxes at around 6% of annual income; so we're now at 46%-54% of annual income.

All in all, by the time we pay all federal taxes and state taxes (mind you, we really start out at about 97% of income because of state taxes on sales receipts for food, gas, clothing, whatever, etc.). We're now at 49%-57%.

Then add in all state and local taxes for electricity, gas, cell phones, water, etc. So, we're now at 50%-58% of annual income.

So, you thought you were rich? You're only rich if you are poor; that's an oxymoron, I know.

That's how Obama gets his votes by milking the middle class and the rich to feed the poor, who are generally inefficient, hateful of themselves, and always willing to take a handout. I'm not saying that everyone who is poor is self-loathing but the large majority are, alas!

That was his strategy to run slightly left of center, and then to raise taxes because he is essentially a Socialist and perhaps a Communist. He wants the system to implode. That's why the Federal Debt now exceeds 14 Trillion dollars - more than GDP; Cloward and Pivens Strategy to make America destitute and turn into a Communist State.

BTW: If one takes the "l" out of Cloward; it spells: "COWARD!"

Don't get me started on property taxes for that matter. And, BTW, Social Security is not a fund; they take all the receipts and apply them in that year to Federal expenditures - that's why SS will go defunct/default/bankrupt by 2040 (but probably way before then).

So, essentially, we pay 50%-60%+ income for nothing but roads, public schools, and public libraries. But, it's up to each of you how you're going to deal with the real circumstances of our existence!

With the deepest regards,


P.S.: I'm going to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to meet Rand Paul and whoever else is there. I'm not scared of anyone or anything, my friends. I already know who the next President will be.

P.S.S.: I suggest an A-B Trust if you don't want your children to be double taxed, which, however, is unconstitutional, on estates.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Technically and Simply the Best Painting in the World

Salvador Dali’s Last Supper rendition is technically the most perfect in the world. He painted six dimensions on two - technically impossible just like the bumble bee that shouldn’t be able to fly but it does, doesn’t it?

See for yourselves:

It now hangs in the National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian.

BTW: Gen. Pum Pum has figured out a way to rid Texas of its killer bee infestation. Stupid scientists released killer bees in TexASS from Brazil. Now, they are moving north into Arizona and also towards the Eastern Seaboard.

This one is a freebee (ha! Don’t you love the pun?). The infrastructure is already in place, all we need to do is tune cell tower frequencies to the frequencies of the apiary infestation. Make it so!

With affection,

GPP (alias HippoParamus)

P.S.: It was never about the money. It’s about creativity but you just didn’t know that you had it in you. But, I did!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Alpha and Bravo

"By will alone I put my mind in motion." - Sting in Dune

Now, let's make it better. "By will and faith in tandem, we will make the world better."

Let's move our collective minds to the real goal: global intelligence! But, it's up to you.

With all love,

- HippoParamus