Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Have Faith


A system of love: philosophy

Would anyone trade his or her own eyesight for all the money in the world? I doubt that anybody would or will upon this supposition.

Thus, everyone who reads this essay has by thought and perspective in tandem become by an ontological proposition, a trillionaire.

A great philosopher once stated: "Time is more important than money because one can always make more money but never obtain one last second passed, in accordance with universal circumstance. Time is not money - money, however, by its essence is meaningless and life precious."

Geezie weezie - who wrote that? Could it be a philosopher whose first name starts with a "P" and last name begins with a "B?"




That Girl said...

No money in the world can ever buy what is truly important in life, because as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says in my favorite book of all time --

"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -Le Petit Prince

<3 Steph

HippoParamus said...

Beautiful, Steph, just beautiful. You truly have a beautiful and most generous, true, and adorable heart!


That Girl said...

Aww! *so touched* =)