Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't Worry About N. Korea


This situation is really about a little boy (Kim Jong Un) who was born in 1983 (inexperienced, over-privileged, and largely uneducated in geo-politics), and who wants to aggrandize his fascist father's name because he knows that he can't do it but for a Brief Period in Time. 

So, the poverty-stricken (meaning philosophically) nationally catapulted leader has to rile up the troops internally. How much can they march in tandem without nourishment? Huh?

So, this is about a last hurrah for the uneducated imbecile - meaning Kim Jong Un. And, everyone knows (at least the ones on the global stage), when he fails (and he will), there will be a regional take-all for China, from Japan, and South Korea. Russia will try but won't succeed because they're scared of China. 

South Korea will probably be the biggest winner. But, regional interests will prevail. 

So, the poverty-stricken (meaning philosophically) nationally catapulted leader has to rile up the troops internally. How much can they march in tandem without nourishment? Huh?

And, everyone knows (at least the ones on the global stage), when he fails (and he will), there will be a regional take-all for China, from Japan, and South Korea. Russia will try but won't succeed because they're scared of China. 

South Korea will probably be the biggest winner. But, regional interests will prevail. 

That's it for right now.

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